Agricultural Initiative
The Year 2016-17 has been coined the Year of the Farmers by the Samajwadi Party which has always ensured the development of farmers as understand that it is vital to the growth and development of the state. In the UP Budget 2016-17 they have made a special provision for the payment of price arrears to farmers amounting up to Rs. 1336 crore. Rs. 240 crore has been earmarked for the Farmer Accident Insurance Scheme. The farmers of drought hit areas will be given
financial help from the State Relief Fund and will also be compensated for wasted produce.The Samajwadi Party has digitalised all farmer and agriculture related departments which will enable online monitoring to ensure that every single farmer benefits from the schemes. For the farmers to get the best price for their produce, farmers markets are being constructed in Lucknow, Saifai, Mainpur, Bahraich, Kaasganj, Jhansi, Kannauj and Haapur. The government led by the Samajwadi Party also aims to distribute crop loans totalling Rs. 93,212 crore for the timely purchase of seeds, fertilizers and farming equipment.
Fields will also be fitted with eco-friendly solar photovoltaic pumps so that farmers can reduce dependence on expensive diesel generated electricity. More than 1,000 agro-junctions are being set up under trained agricultural entrepreneurs to provide employment and training to young farmers. All these steps are being taken to ensure the holistic growth of Uttar Pradesh.